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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Foundation of Information Technology – HTML – Learn CBSE

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Which of the following tag identifies the document as an HTML document? The different forms of list are ordered list and unordered list.

Explain the following statement: Identify which one is an attribute or a tag? The given HTML code produces a horizontal rule with size sjmita, aligning right on page and of width CBSE09 Answer: Which tag do we use to change the size and style face of the text of an HTML file viewed on a Web browser?

This tag defines the title of the document. This list elements have a unique array of tags and elements; the resulting lists are similar to those you would see in a dictionary.

Write the full form of the following tags: Write the HTML code to display horizontal line of red color. The default color of alink is red. Write an option used with this tag. The tag that requires a opening as well as closing tag is called ………. The font size of a single line can be changed by using the following HTML code:.

How htmll it useful? What are the different forms of list used in HTML? Which of the following is not HTML list? Can you change the style of numbers in an ordered list? The basic purpose of this tag is to make the browser and text editor identify that the document is an HTML document. CBSE03 Answer: Write the expansions of the following tags.

What is the method of viewing the source code of the current page in the Web browser? This tag uses the options like src, alt etc.

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sumota The bgcolor attribute is used for coloring the background of the document while background attribute specifies a background image for a document. The default alignment for paragraph is a left b right c center d justified Answer: Fill in the Blanks [1 Mark each].

Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading. Which heading element gives the most prominent headings? Please contact us or the content providers to delete copyright contents if any and email us, we’ll remove relevant links or contents immediately.

The default color of vlink attribute is purple. CBSE or Sriram software solution has used different tags in its Website some are empty while majority are container. How the arorx size of a single line on a Web page be changed? All books are the property of their respective owners. An element that only has a starting tag and no ending tag is ………….


Normally, the ordered list begins with 1. Title must be a simple text and should not be same as the file name. CBSE04 Answer: What is definition arra The error in the code is that in place of color attribute there should be bgcolor. What is the purpose qrora using start attribute used in lists?

Give the examples of an empty element in HTML. HTML tags are a in uppercase b case sensitive c in lowercase d not case sensitive Answer: Write the expansions of the following tags used in HTML. This is a container element and does not affect the appearance of the document.

This type of alignment aligns text in left. What is the purpose of using type attribute used in lists?

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About the Author

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S.L. Arora is a passionate Indian author who composes educational books on a regular basis. He has authored lots of popular books like Move Fast With Physics, Pictorial Dictionary of Science, Dictionary of Science Technology, Do It Yourself, and many others.

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