
  1. Checking for updates on the update server. STB supports manual update mode (by the command of the user) or automatically one for the following events: when STB is turned on; when STB is rebooted; In the normal operation mode - by the auto-update timer (once per day). Uploading a new version of the software image to the persistent storage.
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  • marstv_180613.apk (Download from Google Drive)
    Release: Android platform

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  • MARS TV X Android 10.apk
    Release: Stalker emulator for the Android 10 platform
  • MARS TV X V3.apk (Download from Google Drive)
    Release: Stalker emulator for the Android platform
  • MARS TV X V2.apk
    Release: Stalker emulator for the Android devices which can not install MARS TV X V3
  • MARS TV S Stalker V210425.apk
    Release: MARS TV S stalker emulator for the Android platform
  • OPENBOX.VIDEO Activation Code
    Release: Use OPENBOX IPTV through the activation code
  • OPENBOX.VIDEO Android 9.apk
    Release: Stalker emulator for the Android platform
  • MARS_TV_PRO_Rev.190125.apk
    Release: fixed the bug which there is no sound in some channels when watching
  • IPFox_SimpleUI_Rev_190328.apk
    Release: change app name to IPFox with a simpler UI
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  • IPTV Smarters Pro V2.2.2.5.apk (Download 2)
    Release: IPTV Smarters Pro APK Version for Android platform
STB Smart Client (by Smart Client Developer)
  • STB_SmartClient_2.2.apk (Get it on Google Play)
    Release: Android platform
StbEmu (by Maxim Vasilchuk)
  • Stb Emu.apk (Get it on Google Play)
    Release: Android platform
DB Tool (by Sunplus)
    Release: a Windows platform tool developed by Sunplus, which can be imported and exported SDX, Excel, Bin and H file, also can edit the data and data structure, and upgrade the bin file to flash. That’s mean, with the tool, we can edit channels for your SOLOVOX V6S, V9S and much more
SOLOVOX V6 V7 V8 RS232 Upgrade TOOL
  • SOLOVOX V6 V7 V8 RS232 Upgrade
    Release: a Windows platform tool, which can be used to update the firmware with RS232 cable, it is mainly for some old models such as SOLOVOX V6, V7, and V8
Ali3521 RS232 Upgrade TOOL
  • Ali3521_ERomUpgrade_3521_128.rar
    Release: a Windows platform tool, which can be used to update the firmware with RS232 cable, it is mainly for some models powered by Ali3521 SoC, such as SOLOVOX V8S MAX
ALI 3511 Authorization Tool
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  • ali3511_dpt_main_2.5.rar
    Release: a Windows platform tool, which can be used to license the ALI 3511 devices manufactured by SOLOVOX
ALI 3511 Channel Editor (by ALi Tech)
    Release: a Windows platform tool developed by ALi Tech, which can be used to edit the data and data structure, and upgrade the DBS file to flash. With the tool, we can edit the channels file of SOLOVOX boxes powered by ALi3511 SoC


  • R8_skybox_CR_F_3505_DVBS_20190225V0201.0001.rar
    Release: fix some bugs about supporting CCCAM
  • R8_skybox_CR_F_3505_DVBS_20171213V0201.0001.rar
    Release: support 8 CCCAM lines
  • V2304_SKY_DE_DAZN_FIX_SOLOVOX_V9.bin.gz
    Release: fix SKY DE & Germany and DAZN channels
  • V2237_SOLOVOX_TRUE_V9_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
    Release: common firmware file for recovering the box
  • V2236_OPENBOX_V9_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
  • V2236_SMBOX_SM9_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
  • V2236_SMBOX_V9S_PLUS_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
  • V2236_VONTAR_V9_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
  • V2236_VONTAR_V10_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
SOLOVOX V6, F7S, and V8S Plus
  • SOLOVOX_V6_V8SPLUS_20200630.abs
    Release: new 20200630 firmware for SOLOVOX V6 and V8S Plus
  • SOLOVOX_V6_V7_V8PLUS_LED_170824.rar
    Release: firmware for SOLOVOX V6, F7S, and V8S Plus
  • SBOX_V6_V8_3511HD_LED_20170328.abs
    Release: the initialrelease for SOLOVOX V6, F7S, and V8S Plus

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  • SOLOVOX_V8SMAX_20210106V0201.0002.abs
    Release: the 20210106V0201 release for SOLOVOX V8S MAX
  • V3037_SOLOVOX_V6S_SKV9.bin
    Release: add MARS TV X and Free VOD function
    Release: fix SKY DE & Germany and DAZN channels
  • V2236_SOLOVOX_V6S_LEDF_SKV9.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
  • V2236_IP10_LEDF_IPL.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO
  • V2236_IP50_LEDF_IPM.bin.gz
    Release: fix some bugs of MARS TV PRO

Channel List (TP PROG)

  • V6S_France_Channel_List_db_190906_Alfred.bin (France channels)
    Release: the French channels provided by one of the enthusiastic users
SOLOVOX V8S Plus and V6
  • V8S_Portugal_TP_PROG_190901_Carlos.Dbs (Portugal channels)
    Release: the Portuguese channels provided by one of the enthusiastic users
  • V8S_Spain_TP_PROG_190906_samuelg2006.dbs (Spain channels)
    Release: the Spanish channels provided by one of the enthusiastic users

Update Phases

The upgrade process includes next steps:
1. Checking for updates on the update server. STB supports manual update mode (by the command of the user) or automatically one for the following events:

  • when STB is turned on;
  • when STB is rebooted;
  • In the normal operation mode - by the auto-update timer (once per day).

2. Uploading a new version of the software image to the persistent storage.
3. Installation of a new Firmware (steps: switching to update mode, updating in Recovery, rebooting).

MAG Updater utility

To update the firmware, MAG Updater utility is used.

To check the firmware version, proceed to the Settings / About menu, where you can see the Android OS version, Android Security Patch level, and STB firmware build version. To check the new version release of the STB firmware you should use the Check update command. To access the update settings menu via Launcher proceed to Settings / About / System update.

Update Modes

The update mode is set in the Update mode menu of the MAG Updater utility. The Updater supports the following modes:

  • Automatic mode: If the update is available, Updater prompts you to update the software and starts the timer (20 seconds). If the selection (Update or Cancel) is not performed before the timer expires, it automatically proceeds to download and install procedures. If it canceled, the Updater window would be displayed at the next update check.
  • Semi-automatic mode: If an update is available, Updater prompts you to update the software but the timer is not used. In the Updater window, the update mode could be switched to Manual.
  • Manual: update checking procedure is started only by the user's command.

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Updating process details

If an update is detected but the update process is not started, an update notification will be displayed in the STB Main Menu. The notification will be displayed until an update is performed (in automatic or manual mode). When you click on the notification field, the STB goes to the update mode setting window, where the manual update could be performed.

Information about the software update process and download progress is displayed in the Updater window.

Stb Rs232 Update Tools Download

If the updater fails to connect to the update server (for some reason), Updater will prompt you that the update is not available.

If the installation of the new software version is interrupted (for example, due to a power failure), an alarm event will be sent to the system log.

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After the update downloaded successfully, the device will be automatically rebooted and the update from the Recovery menu will be installed. After that device will be rebooted again.

Manual Update

1. Go to Settings / About / System update.
2. Select Check for Update.
3. If the update is available, the system will offer a short information note about the new version. To start downloading the Update should be clicked.
4. Further, the system works in an automatic mode: downloading the update, verifying, rebooting in Recovery, installing the update, restarting the STB and loading in the operating mode.


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